Welcome to Boston Business School’s corporate education programs. Your Nr. 1 address for the best courses for customized management education and development, be it local, national, or global.
From a short in-company seminar to a comprehensive global change or implementation program. In English, German, Spanish, French or Mandarin.
Discover the latest management know-how for executives, managers and high potentials.
We will gladly conduct each open program for you in-company. If you wish, we will customize our programs and use them as the basis to develop company-specific management development programs tailored to your exact needs and requirements.
First the seminar, then the implementation including coaching and consultancy.
Customized Solutions are the combination of company specific seminar and implementation consulting. On the first day we introduce the relevant management know-how. This is condensed and practical. Then we solve a specific assignment. The instructor assumes the role of moderator and consultant.