Time is management’s most important resource, be it top executive or high potential. E-Learning is a form of learning which is characterized by efficiency and here Boston Business School is well positioned by having entered global alliances.
Are you looking for compact management know-how covering topics such as business strategy, marketing or financial management, but don’t have the time to take part in an on-site seminar or even a multipart management program?
Then our one-month e-learning modules are exactly what you need. The cooperation between Boston Business School and the publicly AACSB-accredited FGCU is the embodiment for relevant management know-how and contents.
Invest one evening per week (2 hours) and 2 to 4 hours of preparation and wrap up for each online session. All you need is a laptop or PC with Internet access and programs such as Word, PowerPoint or Excel.
Participants who actively take part in the online course and who complete exercises and cases according to standards set by FGCU receive the respective certificate.