«Every executive should take this seminar on financial management. Super general survey, with many current examples and amazingly interesting discussions.»
Josef Fiala, ASFINAG Service GmbH
«Excellent and practical-oriented. The trainer was tops with outstanding coordination.»
Nicole Reising, Metzler Asset Management GmbH
«Extremely practical-oriented!»
Roland Keller, Robert Bosch (Pty) Ltd.
«Presented content affecting me with extremely high levels of practical relevance. Presented in an exciting way using real-life examples.»
Michael Schreyögg, MTU Aero Engines AG
«Relevant. Amazing practical focus. A very good mix of theory and practical examples.»
Malte C. Blumenthal, CTS EVENTIM AG & Co. KGaA
«A very good refresher course in the latest insights. A lot of practical relevance.»
Torsten Wunderlich, Flughafen Hamburg GmbH
Effective financial management is an integral component of result-oriented management. Executives from all areas of business will expand and deepen their knowledge and skills in financial management in this 4-day course.
If you’re an executive with profit responsibility for a company, a business area, business unit or country, this 4-day course is designed just for you. Because you bear responsibility for financial management. You make decisions that determine to a great degree the financial well-being and stability of your company. This course demonstrates how to carry-out these financial management tasks to realize excellent financial results and a healthy cash flow.
Who should attend
Executives, general managers, company owners
CEOs, members of a management board
Directors of important areas, business units, profit centers
Managers who need to be prepared for a key position with responsibility for results
Area of Focus
A Look at Financial Management Tasks
Financial analyses, financial statements and earnings statements
Profit and cost management
Liquidity and profitability
Financial value creation, corporate value management
Controlling, review and evaluation
Setting Financial Objectives
How to set ambitious profit targets, that are also logical from a business and market sense
The process of achieving above-average corporate resultsn begins with the right profit planning
How to calculate corporate value
Capital Expenditures
Capital expenditures as a «profit killer»
Capital expenditures as a strategic competitive advantage
Determining the right value-added depth
In or out-sourcing?
Cost variability by concentrating on core activitiesn
Capital Costs, Modern Forms of Financing
How to lower the cost of capital
Modern forms of financing
Internal or external financing?
The logic behind the capital market
Negotiating with banks
Understanding credit-ratings
Investments and Financial Decisions
The criteria for making decisionsn
Increasing capital intensity as threat to profit targets
Investing where it’s necessary
Make or buy – finding the optimum value-added depthn
Liquidity Management, Working-Capital Management
Warning – liquidity traps ahead!
How many liquidity reserves are needed?
Tools for managing liquidity
Working-capital management
Increasing Corporate Value
Factors influencing return on investment and corporate value
The tools for managing results
Measures that will improve results
Realizing cash-flow objectives
Getting rid of the sources that cause losses
Taking advantage of untapped potential for improving results
Cementing fixed costs as a loss of flexibility
Profitable Growth
Exceeding your minimal necessary size
Growth in a growing market
Growth in a stagnating market
How to achieve profitable growth?
Designing the Right Cost Structure
Determining allowable costs
Designing an appropriate cost concept based on market realities
Specifying a break-even point based on the logic of business fluctuation
Seeking cost leadership – yes or no?
Making decisions locally
Mergers and Acquisitions
Acquiring companies or parts of companies
Acquiring market share
Acquiring size, real or presumed synergies and the effects of added experience
Buying into new business and new core competencies
Assessment, due diligence
Restructuring and Portfolio Adjustment
Recognizing the need for restructuring at an early stage
Recognizing profitable and unprofitable business activities
Securing the viable parts of a company
Divesting yourself of non-viable parts of a company
How to develop a feasible restructuring concept
Corporate portfolio and portfolio adjustment
Restructuring to achieve a Turnaround
Revitalizing a company’s ability to restructure
The restructuring concept
Achieving a turnaround
Controlling, Review and Evaluation
What do you need to evaluate to achieve effective financial management?
What review and evaluation tools are necessary, and don they reveal deviations early enough?
Managing by Using Key-Performance Indicators
What KPIs allow you to reduce the tasks of financial management to their essentials?
What content should a management report have to be an concise controlling tool?
«Every executive should take this seminar on financial management. Super general survey, with many current examples and amazingly interesting discussions.»
Josef Fiala, ASFINAG Service GmbH
«Excellent and practical-oriented. The trainer was tops with outstanding coordination.»
Nicole Reising, Metzler Asset Management GmbH
«Extremely practical-oriented!»
Roland Keller, Robert Bosch (Pty) Ltd.
«Presented content affecting me with extremely high levels of practical relevance. Presented in an exciting way using real-life examples.»
Michael Schreyögg, MTU Aero Engines AG
«Relevant. Amazing practical focus. A very good mix of theory and practical examples.»
Malte C. Blumenthal, CTS EVENTIM AG & Co. KGaA
«A very good refresher course in the latest insights. A lot of practical relevance.»
Torsten Wunderlich, Flughafen Hamburg GmbH