To be successful in the marketplace, a company needs persuasive marketing. This 4-day seminar offers the latest knowledge and practical tools for a holistic marketing approach. We will show you how to optimize your marketing know-how and toolset even further, and how to implement this to generate even more value for your company and customers.
Marketing acts as interface between a company and its surroundings, especially with customers, and is seen as one of the central activities of modern corporate management. An increase in competitive pressure, shorter product cycles, and ever-changing markets – in our globalized world having a marketing mindset and knowing its methods are becoming increasingly more important, because they allow you to create real corporate value. If your marketing efforts are consistently focused on customer demands, you are better able to capitalize on the potential of your existing customers and – thanks to your need-oriented focus – to win new customers, create brand value and last but not least, to build up a profound insight into your customers and your industry. And these days the Internet, digitization, social media, community building and new forms of communication represent a major challenge to modern marketing. These things could cause a major shift in the value-added process. Marketing, therefore, is increasingly a question of communication, relationship management and customer value and how to build, develop, and leverage that value.
This marketing course will give you a holistic understanding of marketing in all of its facets. What you learn in this seminar will help you get even better at using marketing to create value for your company. You’ll learn the factors of modern marketing success and will be able to come up with catchy marketing concepts and to analyses them better. You’ll learn to implement marketing activities in a way that achieves ambitious objectives when it comes to product, market and customer profitability. You will also get fresh ideas about how to better differentiate your business from your competitors.
Good product and services alone do not guarantee success. Without competent marketing, they will fall flat.
Marketing begins with the customer, his or her needs and problems. What tools can you use for conducting customer and market analyses, and how do you apply their results? How can these analyses contribute to creating new customer benefits and promising business activities for today and in the future?
Strategy decides if you are successful or not.
Results-oriented Marketing must know how effective the tools being used are.